How to Create a Lightbox

To make it easy for me to create lightbox for any web development projects, I made the simple lightbox function that you can I can easily add and call. Step 1: Copy the scripts below to your javascript file. Step 2: Create the contents of your lightbox, e.g: Step 3: Call the lightbox function. Where […]

How to Set Up a WordPress Website

Setting up a WordPress website can be done on your even if you don’t have a background in web development. Whether you want a business website, a blog, or even a ecommerce website, as long as you can follow detailed instructions, you can set it up your own. Step 1: Choose a hosting provider If […]

How to Create a JQuery Function

If you want to add JavaScript and/or JQuery functionality, and you want to easily reuse the codes in your future projects, it would be better to put in in a JQuery plugin. In other words, you will create a new JQuery plugin that you can reuse or share to other web developers. Also, putting your […]

Adding of Custom Fields in WordPress Category

I have created a class that you can use so that you can easily add custom fields to WordPress category. To use it, follow the simple steps below: Step 1: Download the class and copy it on your plugin or theme folder. Download Now! Do not forget to include it the file using include_once or […]

How to Make Tables Sortable Using JQuery

Step 1:  Add these two jquery functions. [code] jQuery.fn.sortTable = (function(sortableRows){ table = $jx(this); $rows = ”; for($i in sortableRows) { $rows = $rows + sortableRows[$i]; if (sortableRows[$i+1] != null) { $rows = $rows + ‘, ‘; } } $jx($rows) .wrapInner(‘<span title=”sort this column”/>’) .each(function(){ var th = $jx(this), thIndex = th.index(), inverse = false; […]

The Simplest Way to Create Tabs in WordPress

Adding tabs to your WordPress websites is so easy. Just follow the few steps listed below. Step 1: In your php file, add the following: [code] add_action(‘wp_head’, ‘myCustomScriptCSS’); function myCustomScriptCSS() { wp_enqueue_script(‘jquery’); wp_enqueue_script(‘jquery-ui-tabs’); wp_enqueue_script(‘custom-script-id’, ‘path-to-your-custom-script.js’); // ignore this line if you want to use existing .js file wp_enqueue_style(‘custom-style-id’, ‘path-to-your-custom-style.css’); // ignore this line if you […]

Create a Dynamic PDF File Based on User’s Input

When I need to create a pdf using PHP, I prefer to use the TCPDF library, because I find it easy to use and flexible. I the tutorial Create a PDF Using PHP and TCPDF, you will learn how to create a basic pdf file and add the desired content to it. But if you […]

How to Create a Class in Javascript

There are so many ways to create a class in JavaScript, but this one is the easiest and simplest for me. [code] var Person = { init: function(nameParam) { = nameParam; }, printName: function() { console.log(‘Name: ‘+; } }; var me = Object.create(Person);  // <== one level of inheritance me.init(‘Edesa’); me.printName(); [/code]  

How to Upgrade Magento

I just wanna share how I easily upgraded a magento website from version to